How Do I Get a Refund?

If you need a refund and it meets our terms and conditions you can complete this form here:

In short, our refund policy strictly states you must complete the program before asking for a refund. All our plans provide a 100% RESULTS GUARANTEE, this means we will only process a refund if you completed the full time period and logged progress. Other outstanding circumstances may apply at Rudy's own discretion such as a medical incident (doctors note required) etc.

The majority of the time, refunds are not permitted because you do not like the plan or have changed your mind etc. Please note we do this as lots of people have taken advantage in the past, please remember you paid a few dollars for a plan that cost years to create and is based on hundreds of hours of studying, testing and research.

As stated in the T&C, we will not provide refunds because you are not willing to spend time learning the content, we have given you all the tools and hope you understand that 2 hours of your life can set you up forever in terms of diet and training. 

Unlike most other online plans, we also offer extensive support, where Rudy will work personally with you in the private FB group to get it right - no one else in the world does this.

Finally, please note our system shows if you have downloaded any of the files. As stated in terms & conditions, if you download any files no refund are permitted. 

If you meet all the terms and conditions and complete the form above you will be contacted for a refund. Please only complete the form if you meet all the terms or your refund request will not be processed. 

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